

 The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan(MEXT) and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has jointly hosted the OECD/Japan Seminar (hereinafter referred to as the “Japan Seminar”) since 1993, with the aim of promoting international cooperation in the field of education and contributing to the improvement of educational practice in Japan through introduction of OECD’s education projects and exchanges of views with other member countries.
  The 23rd Japan Seminar will focus on the Teaching Compass, which will indicate future vision of teachers and teaching competencies, teacher agency and teacher well-being which is currently being developed under the OECD “Future of Education and Skills 2030″ (hereinafter referred to as the “E2030”).
  The 23rd Japan Seminar will be held in conjunction with 6th Global Forum on the Future of Education2030, to be held in Japan, for international co-creation of the Teaching Compass with various education stakeholders’ discussion. This Seminar is organised back-to-back with the E2030 Global Forum meeting and, thus, participants will have the opportunity to access the latest global E2030’s discussions on Teaching Compass.

セミナー概要 Overview

定員:オンライン1,000名 / 現地350名(先着順)
参加費: 無料

Date: October 13th (Sun), 2024 15:00-18:00 JST
Event Format: Hybrid meetings (On-site and Zoom webinar)
Venue:Tohoku University (Kawauchi campus Multimedia Hall206)
Capacity: 1,000 participants online / 350 participants in-person (first-come, first-served)
   (※Once the limit is reached, further participation may be restricted.)
Participation fee: free
Organisers: Co-organised by MEXT, Tohoku University, OECD
Languages: English-Japanese simultaneous interpretation

対象者 Target Participants


Individuals involved in education, including local government organizations and schools, are welcome to participate.
※Anyone interested is encouraged to join.

申込方法 Registration

日本語: https://forms.mediatelier.org/23oecd_japan/registration_ja.html
(Connect to an external site)


※Participation fee is free.
※Registration is open until Monday, October 7. 
※Please register one person at a time so that we can keep track of the number of participants.

プログラム Programme (調整中・TBC)

15時00分 開会挨拶


15時10分 基調講演1

アンドレアス・シュライヒャー OECD 教育・スキル局長

15時40分 基調講演2

秋田 喜代美 学習院大学 教授

16時00分 基調講演3

ジョアン・コスタ Education2030アドバイザリー・グループ議長・元ポルトガル教育大臣

16時15分 基調講演4

戸ヶ﨑 勤 埼玉県戸田市 教育長

16時35分 休憩

16時45分 パネルディスカッション


ジョアン・コスタ Education2030アドバイザリー・グループ議長・元ポルトガル教育大臣 


・秋田 喜代美  学習院大学 教授      
・戸ヶ﨑 勤 埼玉県戸田市 教育長 ほか

17時55分 閉会挨拶


15:00    Opening Remarks from MEXT and Tohoku University (TBC)

15:10    Keynote speech 1: Mr. Andreas Schleicher
    (Director for the Directorate of Education and Skills, OECD)

15:40    Keynote speech 2: Dr. Kiyomi AKITA
    (Professor, Gakushuin University, Chairperson of Working Group for Teacher Training, Central Council for Education)

16:00    Keynote speech 3: Dr. João Costa
    (Chairperson of Advisory Group for Education2030, previous Minister of Education of Portugal)

16:15  Keynote speech 4: Mr. Tsutomu TOGASAKI
    (superintendent of Education, Toda City, the chair of the Thematic Working Group of Japan-OECD Joint Research)

16:35    BREAK

16:45    Panel Discussion
 Moderator: Dr. João Costa
       (Chairperson of Advisory Group for Education2030, previous Minister of Education of Portugal)
 Panellists: OECD(TBC)
        Dr. Kiyomi AKITA
                   (Professor, Gakushuin University, Chairperson of Working Group for Teacher Training, Central Council for Education)
                    Mr. Tsutomu TOGASAKI
                   (superintendent of Education, Toda City, the chair of the Thematic Working Group of Japan-OECD Joint Research)
17:55    Closing Remarks from OECD(TBC)

登壇者紹介 Speakers(後日掲載・TBC)

資料 Presentation materials(後日掲載・TBC)

アーカイブ動画(終了後掲載) Video(TBC)

お問合せ先 Inquiries

文部科学省 大臣官房国際課

International Affairs Division, Minister’s Secretariat
