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Self-isolation and Close Contact

【Q1】What precautions should be taken in self-isolation at home?

You are strongly recommended to prepare in advance for home-isolation, as you are not permitted to leave the house during this period. Some local governments deliver a grocery package. When using delivery services, ask for your package to be left in front of your door so as not to come into direct contact with them. Ensure that you have a functioning thermometer and an extra battery.

【Q2】My municipality asked me to monitor my own health during self-isolation

Health observations tools/apps differ by municipality. If you use “My HER-SYS”, you need to register via a URL sent via text (SMS) from the local public health cent. Complete the sign up and input your health observations via smartphone or laptop.
Note: You may receive a text message before contact from a public health center.

【Q3】How can I end isolation? (Requirements as follows)

【If Symptomatic】 1) 10 whole days after the first sign of symptoms and 2) 72 hours free of any symptoms or 2 consecutive negative results on a COVID-19 test taken at least 24 hours apart, after being free of symptoms.

【Asymptomatic】 7 whole days after the day the positive specimen was collected.

【If Symptoms appear after a negative result】 The patient may end isolation 10 days after the onset of symptoms.

【Q3】How long family member needs quarantine?

A family member of the patient is considered a close contact as per 【A1】. If you have been considered a “close contact”, please stay home and quarantine for 7days after patient develops symptoms. However, if you test negative on an antigen test taken either on Day 4 or Day 5, you may terminate your period of isolation after Day 5. Even after the period is over, “close contacts” are encouraged to monitor their health, and avoid social gatherings until the they have recovered.

Under both cases, please observe the following guidelines while isolating:
(1) stay away from your housemates,
(2) wash your hands,
(3) wear a well-fitting mask,
(4) sanitize places you might have touched,
(5) and dispose waste according to 【A1】

【Q4】What is “Close contact”?

A “Close contact” can be described as someone who has been contact with a patient who has tested positive for COVID 19 (via PCR testing, etc.), under any of the following conditions. The period under concern starts 2 days before the collection of the specimen (if the patient who tested positive asymptomatic) or the onset of symptoms (if symptomatic), until the end of isolation.

– A Co-habitant
– A person who had long term contact with patient. Aircraft: Those sitting within 2 rows of the patient (International) or within 2 meters (Domestic)
– A person who has examined, nursed or cared for the patient without appropriate protective equipment
– Those who have been in direct contact with contaminants such as airway secretions or bodily fluids
– A person who has been in contact with the patient for more than 15 minutes without necessary infection prevention measures (such as a face mask) within arms length (approx. 1 meter)

However, please note that these are general conditions. The public health center will make a comprehensive judgment regarding one’s status as a “Close Contact” depending on the severity of the situation in each region.

【Q5】What should I do if I have contacted someone who is a “Close Contact” ?

You are not subject to any restrictions at the moment. However, you will be informed and will be subject to restrictions if the “close contact” also tests positive. Please continue to follow preventative measures as there is a higher chance that you may have also been infected by COVID-19.

COVID-19 Call Centers

MHLW Call Center (toll free)

-COVID-19: 0120-565-653
-COVID-19 Vaccines: 0120-761-770
English, Chinese, Korean, Portuguese and Spanish: 9:00-21:00、Thai: 9:00-18:00、Vietnamese: 10:00-19:00
*Everyday including weekends and holidays. This service cannot provide medical advice

Local Call Centers

