


岸田総理大臣(記帳内容 )(PDF)別ウィンドウで開く

マクロン仏大統領(記帳内容 )(PDF)別ウィンドウで開く
Avec émotion et compassion, il nous appartient de contribuer au devoir de mémoire des victimes d’Hiroshima et d’agir en faveur de la paix, seul combat qui mérite d’être mené.

バイデン米大統領(記帳内容 )(PDF)別ウィンドウで開く
May the stories of this Museum remind us all of our obligations to build a future of peace. Together-let us continue to make progress toward the day when we can finally and forever rid the world of nuclear weapons. Keep the faith!

トルドー加首相(記帳内容 )(PDF)別ウィンドウで開く
Canada pays solemn tribute to the many lives lost, the unspeakable grief of the Hibakusha, and the immense suffering of the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.Votre histoire restera à jamais gravée dans notre conscience collective.

ショルツ独首相(記帳内容 )(PDF)別ウィンドウで開く
Dieser Ort erinnert an unfassbares Leid. Heute erneuern wir hier gemeinsam mit unseren Partnern das Versprechen, Frieden und Freiheit mit aller Entschlossenheit zu schützen. Ein nuklearer Krieg darf nie wieder geführt werden.

メローニ伊首相(記帳内容 )(PDF)別ウィンドウで開く
Oggi ci fermiamo e restiamo in preghiera. Oggi ricordiamo che l’oscurità non ha avuto la meglio. Oggi ricordiamo il passato per costruire, insieme, un futuro di speranza.

スナク英首相(記帳内容 )(PDF)別ウィンドウで開く
Shakespeare tells us to “give sorrow words”. Yet language fails in the light of the bomb’s flash. No words can describe the horror and suffering of the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. But what we can say, with all our hearts, and all our souls, is no more.

ミシェル欧州理事会議長(記帳内容 )(PDF)別ウィンドウで開く
An immense tragedy took place here almost 80 years ago. It reminds us what we -as G7- are defending. And why we are defending it. Peace and freedom. Because it’s what all human beings want most.

フォン・デア・ライエン欧州委員会委員長(記帳内容 )(PDF)別ウィンドウで開く
What happened in Hiroshima is still today haunting humanity. It is a sterk reminder of the terrible cost of war – and our everlasting duty to protect and preserve peace.
